We wanted to inform you of the additional measures we are implementing to keep you as safe as possible during the current COVID-19 crisis. Even if you feel your risk is low, it is important to remember that we serve a large number of patients that the CDC considers high-risk:
- Patients who are 65 and older
- Patients with diabetes
- Patients with heart-disease
- Patients with lung-disease
We feel it is our duty to work extremely hard to protect our patients who are especially vulnerable. If you have an upcoming appointment, here's what we're doing to provide the safest environment possible:
- If you prefer, when you arrive and check-in with our staff, we can send your registration to your cell phone and you can complete it in your vehicle.
- When the clinic staff is prepared to begin your visit, they will send you a text message or call and ask that you return to the clinic.
- A team member will meet you at the entry, and escort you directly to the exam room.
We understand that not all our patients have a vehicle to wait in. Some use public transportation or ride-shares to arrive at their appointment. In the event you need to wait in the waiting area, we suggest you adhere to the CDC's recommendation of sitting or standing at least six feet away from others. Additionally, we ask that only those with an appointment enter our clinics. Of course, there will be exceptions to this request, such as small children who require a parent, elderly patients who require assistance. We recognize that these measures are not risk-elimination, but rather risk-reduction. We know there are already a number of inconveniences that we're all facing in response to this crisis. However, it is our sincere hope that you and your family members appreciate our diligence and concern. It cannot be overstated, that your care and safety are of the utmost importance to us. If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.